1 (1731):
3. A: "The
Craftsman, by Caleb D'anvers Esq; and Mr Oldcastle. Jan. 2 [1731].
No. 235 ['Remarks on the Reign of Q. Elizabeth' (designated 'O.' in
Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 7: 182-192)]."
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke.
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv]
- 1 (1731): 4.
"Jan. 9 [1731]. Craftsman, No. 236 ['Reflections on the Conduct
of a certain great Man,' i.e., Robert Walpole; designated 'O.' in
Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 7: 194-202]."
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke.
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv]
- 1 (1731): 4-5. A:
"Craftsman, Jan. 16 [1731]. No. 237 ['Political Observations
from the Craftsman'; designated 'O.' in Craftsman 1731-37
reprint 7: 205-216]."
Henry St. John, 1st
Viscount Bolingbroke.
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv]
- 1 (1731): 5. A:
"Craftsman, Jan. 30 [1731]. No. 239 ['Liberty of the Press
asserted'; designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 7: 226-
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 1 (1731): 10. A: "The
Grub-street Journal, Thursday, Jan. 14 [1731]. No. 53 [re medical
experiments on condemned criminals; annotated 'B' (for 'Bavius') in Richard
Russel's preface to Memoirs of the Society of Grub Street]."
John Martyn [?] or Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 25-26, 304 attributes this to Martyn; Pettit 448, n. 6, states
that Martyn and Russel both used the signature "Bavius" at that time.]
- 1 (1731): 10-11. A:
"The Grub-street Journal, Thursday, Jan. 14 [1731]. No. 54
[commentary on Colley Cibber's New Year's ode; annotated 'M' (for 'Maevius') in
Richard Russel's preface to Memoirs of the Society of Grub
Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 25-26, 304; Pettit 408, n. 6]
- 1 (1731): 11-12. A:
"Grub-street Journal, Jan. 21 [1731]. No. 55 [re Stephen Duck;
annotated 'B' (for 'Bavius') in Richard Russel's preface to Memoirs of the
Society of Grub Street]."
John Martyn [?] or
Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 25-26, 304 attributes this to
Martyn; Pettit 448, n. 6, states that Martyn and Russel both used the signature
"Bavius" at that time.]
- 1 (1731): 20. V: "Ode
for New-Years-Day by C. Cibber, Esq. ['Once more the ever circling
Colley Cibber.
- 1 (1731): 23. V:
"Mrs. B[a]rb[e]r, to Mrs. C[ae]s[a]r, at Bath ['When lately you invited
Mary Barber.
[Bond 89]
[Orig. "Mrs. B-rb-r"]
- 1 (1731): 51. A:
"Grub-street Journal, Feb. 4 [1731]. No. 57": paragraph
concerning almanacs (originally signed "Bavius").
John Martyn [?] or Richard Russel [?].
40, 304] [Orig. "Bavius"]
- 1 (1731): 53. A:
"The Craftsman, Saturday Feb. 6 [1731]. No. 240 ['Remarks on Q.
Eliz. Reign'; designated 'O.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 7: 234-
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv]
- 1 (1731): 56-57. A:
"The Grubstreet Journal, February 11 [1731]. No. 58 [re a
pamphlet, Farewell to French Kicks; originally signed
John Martyn [?] or Richard Russel
[Hillhouse 40, 305] [Orig.
- 1 (1731): 62. A: "The
Grubstreet Journal, Thursday, Feb. 18 [1731]. No. 59 [re Hottentot
ceremonies; by 'Bavius']."
John Martyn [?] or
Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 22, n. 26, attributes this to
Martyn; Pettit 448, no. 6, states that Martyn and Russel both used the signature
"Bavius" at that time.] [Orig. "Bavius"]
- 1 (1731): 65-66. A:
"Hyp-Doctor, Thurs, Feb. 16 [1731]. No. 10 ['Comparison between
English Politicians and Turkish'; part quotation, part summary]."
Rev. John Henley.
[DNB 9: 415]
- 1 (1731): 66-67. A:
"The Grubstreet Journal, Thursday Feb. 25 [1731]. No. 60 [re
Harlequin Horace; by 'Bavius']."
Martyn [?] or Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 40, 305]
[Orig. "Bavius"]
- 1 (1731): 73. V: "A
Winter's Thought. By Mr. E----."
[Ram 297]
- 1 (1731): 99. A: "The
Grubstreet Journal March 4 [1731]. No. 68": portion re letter from
"Belinda" on Hottentot ceremonies, with commentary by "Bavius."
John Martyn [?] or Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 25-26, 305 attributes it to Russel, though acknowledging (p. 40)
that Martyn and Russel both used the signature "Bavius" at that time.]
- 1 (1731): 101-102. A:
"The Craftsman, Saturday March 6 [1731]. No. 244
['Considerations on three Political Pamphlets'; 'On limiting the time Soldiers
are to serve in the Army'; designated 'O.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint
7: 277-284]."
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv]
- 1 (1731): 108-109. A:
"The Grub-street Journal, March 18 [1731]. No. 63": portion
concerning Rev. John Henley and the Hyp-Doctor; annotated "M" in
Richard Russel's preface to Memoirs of the Society of Grub
Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 25-26, 305; Pettit 448, n. 6]
- 1 (1731): 114. A:
"The Craftsman, Saturday March 20 [1731]. No. 246 ['Remarks on
the Reign of K. James I'; designated 'O.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint
7: 293-304]."
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv]
- 1 (1731): 116. A:
"The Grubstreet Journal, Thursday, March 25 [1731]. No. 64 [re
William Egerton's life of Ann Oldfield]."
Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 298; Pettit 448, n. 6]
[Orig. "Maevius"]
- 1 (1731): 145. A:
"The Grub-Street Journal, Thursday April 3 [1731]. No. 65. Of
Predictions [annotated 'M' in Richard Russel's preface to Memoirs of the
Society of Grub Street]."
Richard Russel
[Hillhouse 25-26, 305; Pettit 448, n. 6]
- 1 (1731): 150. A: "Of
Grubian Writings and Eloquence. Grubstreet Journal, Apr. 8 [1731].
No. 66 [annotated 'M' in Richard Russel's preface to Memoirs of the Society
of Grub Street]."
Richard Russel
[Hillhouse 25-26, 305; Pettit 448, n. 6]
- 1 (1731): 151. A:
"(K. James I. Hereditary Right) The Craftsman Saturday, April.
10 [1731]. No. 248 [misprint for No. 249; designated 'O.' in Craftsman
1731-37 reprint 7: 323-325]."
Henry St. John, 1st
Viscount Bolingbroke.
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv]
- 1 (1731): 154. V:
Concluding epigram ("'Gainst me to prate or print is H-- said") on Rev.
John Henley from Grub-Street Journal, No. 67 (15 Apr. 1731); annotated
"M" in Richard Russel's preface to Memoirs of the Society of Grub
Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 25-26, 306; Pettit 448, n. 6]
- 1 (1731): 154-155. A:
"Craftsman, Sat. Apr. 17 [1731]. No. 250 ['Remarks on K. James
I'; designated 'O.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 7: 335-348]."
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke.
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv]
- 1 (1731): 158-159. A:
"The Grubstreet Journal, Thursday, April 22 [1731]. No. 68":
comments on Farewell to French Kicks and on the deism of Anthony
Collins and Richard Tindal (annotated "M" in Richard Russel's preface to
Memoirs of the Society of Grub Street).
Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 25-26, 306; Pettit
448, n. 6]
- 1 (1731): 169. V:
"The Inscription over [Frederick Herman] Duke Schomberg's Vault in St
Patrick's Church Dublin, written by Dean Swift."
Jonathan Swift.
[Pailler 2: 598]
- 1 (1731): 189-192. A:
"Craftsman, Saturday, April 1 [1731; misprint for 1 May 1731; No.
252]. The Monumental Inscription [to John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough], &c.
[designated 'D.' (an apparent misprint for 'O.,' according to Varey 82: xxiv-
xxv) in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 7: 361-368]"
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke.
[Varey 82:
xxiv-xxv, 121-128]
- 1 (1731): 195-196. A:
"The Craftsman, Saturday, May 8 [1731]. No. 253. Remarks on the
History of England [designated 'O.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 7:
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv]
- 1 (1731): 199-200. A:
"Craftsman, Sat. May 15 [1731]. No. 254. Remarks on the History
of England [Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 7: 382-395 containing no letter
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount
Bolingbroke [?].
[Cont. of the History of England, which was
habitually designated "O."; Varey 82: xxiv-xxv]
- 1 (1731): 235-236. A:
"The Grub-street Journal, Thursday June 3 [1731]. No. 74.
Remarks on the Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and mutual Guaranty . . . between
Caleb D'anvers, Esq; and Robert Lyn, Esq . . . [annotated 'M' in Richard
Russel's preface to Memoirs of the Society of Grub Street]."
Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 25-26,
307; Pettit 448, n. 6]
- 1 (1731): 239-240. A:
"Craftsman, Sat. June 12 [1731]. No. 258. Of Dependency of the
Parliament on the Crown [designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint
8: 17-22]."
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 1 (1731):248. A:
Grub-Street Journal, No. 77 (24 June 1731): Comments by "Bavius"
on A. Welstede's life of Rev. John Henley (annotated "J.T.," a frequent
signature of Richard Russel's, in Russel's preface to Memoirs of the Society
of Grub Street).
Richard Russel
[Hillhouse 298, 307] [Orig.
- 1 (1731): 248-249. A:
"Craftsman, Sat. June 26 [1731]. No. 260. Of the Dependency of
Parliament, in Answer to the Cambridge Letter [designated 'D.' in
Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 8: 29-39]."
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 1 (1731): 281-282. A:
"Craftsman, Sat. July 3 [1731]. No. 261 ['Mr. P. justified'; re
William Pulteney; designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 8: 39-
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 1 (1731): 282. A:
"London Journal, July 3 [1731]. No. 623. A Letter to Mr. P.
[William Pulteney, later Earl of Bath] occasion'd by his late Book."
James Pitt [?].
[Haig 5] [
"F. Osborne"]
- 1 (1731): 298. A:
"Craftsman, Sat. July 24 [1731]. No. 264 ['Conduct of the
Craftsman and his Adversaries compar'd'; part quotation, part
paraphrase; designated 'O.D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 8: 60-
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke
and -----.
[Varey 82: xxv, 128-135]
- 1 (1731): 302. A:
"Craftsman, Sat. July 31 [1731]. No. 265 ['Treaty between
D'anvers and (Rupert) Lyn recapitulated'; designated 'D.' in Craftsman
1731-37 reprint 8: 70-76]."
Nicholas Amhurst
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 1 (1731): 303-304. A:
"Read's Journal, Sat. July [misprinted as June] 31 [1731]. Of
Adoration and Revelation."
Richard Burridge [?]
(or others).
[Harris (M) 99]
- 1 (1731): 305. V:
"Lady M. M--'s Farewel to Bath ['To all you Ladies now at
Not by Lady Mary Wortley
[Isobel Grundy in Sherbo and Grundy 409, refuting Bond
- 1 (1731): 306. V:
"Epigram ['Shou'd D---s print how once you robb'd your Brother']."
Alexander Pope.
[Ram 298]
- 1 (1731): 306. V: "To
Mr. Pope, on his being personally abused [from Grub-Street Journal, No.
80; annotated 'M' in Richard Russel's preface to Memoirs of the Society of
Grub Street]."
Richard Russel
[Hillhouse 25-26, 307; Pettit 448, n. 6]
- 1 (1731): 306. V:
"A Riddle, to Lady C[artere]t ['I Reach all things near me and far off to
Rev. Patrick Delany, Dean of
[Bond 94]
- 1 (1731): 326. A:
"The Grubeans scandalized. Grub-street Journal, Thursday August
12 [1731]. No. 84 [a counter-attack upon the Daily Courant; annotated
'M' in Richard Russel's preface to Memoirs of the Society of Grub
Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 25-26, 308; Pettit 448, n. 6]
- 1 (1731): 333. A:
"The Grubstreet Journal, Thursday August 19 [1731]. No. 85
[remarks attacking William Bowman's sermon, The Traditions of the Clergy
destructive of Religion]."
Rev. Joseph
[Sullivan 146-147]
- 1 (1731): 338-339. A:
"Craftsman, Sat. Aug. 21 [1731]. No. 261 [misprint for No. 268].
Parry and Thrust [re pamphlet war; designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37
reprint 8: 91-100]."
Nicholas Amhurst
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 1 (1731): 340-341. A:
"The Grubstreet Journal, Aug. 16 [1731]. No. 68 [on ministerial
hack writers; originally signed 'Elkanah Conundrum']."
Rev. Joseph Trapp [?].
[Goldgar 76-77: 374, n. 18,
attributes "Conundrum" items to Trapp, superseding Hillhouse 25-26, 298, 308,
wherein they are attributed to Richard Russel.]
- 1 (1731): 343-344. A:
"Craftsman, Sat. Aug. 28 [1731]. No. 269. Dependency of
Parliament from Cato's Letters [designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37
reprint 8: 100-105]."
Nicholas Amhurst
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 1 (1731): 349-350. V:
"Annotations on Mr Bowman's Sermon, publish'd in the Grub-street
Journal. . . . Address'd to Mother Bavius by the Weekly Register
['Dear Goody! you have seen, no doubt']."
[Ram 298]
- 1 (1731): 366-367. A:
"Grub-street Journal, Sept. 2 [1731]. No. 87. Remarks on Mr.
[William] Bowman's Sermon."
Rev. Joseph
[Sullivan 146-147]
- 1 (1731): 370-371. A:
"Read's Journal, Sat. Sept. 4 [1731]. Of Vanity [part quotation,
part summary]."
Richard Burridge [?] (or
[Harris (M) 99]
- 1 (1731): 374-375. A:
"The Craftsman, Sat. Sept. 11 [1731]. No. 271. Considerations
on the National Debts [designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 8:
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 1 (1731): 383. A:
"The Craftsman, Sat. Sept. 18 [1731]. No. 272. The Merit of
Screeners [designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 8: 128-
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 1 (1731): 399. V:
"Invitation to Tunbridge ['Dear Peter, whose Friendship I value much
John Byrom.
- 1 (1731): 400. V: "A
Dialogue betwixt Mr. Maevius and Mr. [William] Bowman [from Grub-Street
Journal, No. 91]."
Richard Russel
[Hillhouse 298, 309; Pettit 448, n. 6] [Orig.
- 1 (1731): 413-414. A:
"The Craftsman, Sat. October 2 [1731]. No. 274. Prerogative of
English Parliament [designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 8:
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 1 (1731): 415. A:
"Read's Journal, Sat. October 2 [1731]. Of Lying, Swearing, and
Richard Burridge [?] (or
[Harris (M) 99]
- 1 (1731): 419-420. A:
"Grub-street Journal, Thurs. Oct. 7 [1731]. No. 92. Friendly
Advice to Wm Bowman, by Aminadab."
Rev. Joseph
[Sullivan 146-147] [Orig.
- 1 (1731): 423-424. A:
"The Craftsman, Sat. October 9 [1731]. No. 275. Cato's Letters,
and the Craftsman's Writings compared [designated 'D.' in
Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 8: 153-168]."
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 1 (1731): 429-430. A:
"Read's Journal, Sat. October 16 [1731]. Of Folly and
Richard Burridge [?] (or
[Harris (M) 99]
- 1 (1731): 432-433. A:
"The Craftsman, Sat. October 23 [1731]. No. 277 ['The
Craftsman on the Introduction of Don Carlos into Italy'; designated
'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 8: 176-182]."
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 1 (1731): 441. A:
"The Craftsman, Sat. October 30 [1731]. No. 275 [misprint for
No. 278]. Remarks on the foregoing Daily Courants, of October 21, 22
[1731; designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 8: 183-
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 1 (1731): 445. V:
"Extract of a Poem, on the Ladies at Bury Fair ['On neighb'ring Ickworth
when we cast an Eye']."
W. ("Count")
[Carlson 249]
- 1 (1731): 452. V:
Verses by "Maevius" to the Lord Mayor Elect from Grub-Street
Journal, No. 95 (28 Oct. 1731).
Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 309; Pettit 448, n. 6]
[Orig. "Maevius"]
- 1 (1731): 462. A:
"Grub-street Journal, Th. Nov. 4 [1731]. No. 96 ['Conference
betwixt Aminadab a Quaker, and Wm. Bowman, Vicar of Dewsbury']."
Rev. Joseph Trapp.
[Sullivan 146-147]
- 1 (1731): 466. A:
"The Craftsman, Sat. Nov. 6 [1731]. No. 279. On the 5th of
November [designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 8: 194-
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 1 (1731): 466-468. A:
"Read's Journal, Sat. Nov. 6 [1731]. Of Murder [part summary;
mainly quotation]."
Richard Burridge [?] (or
[Harris (M) 99]
- 1 (1731): 472-473. A:
"Grubstreet Journal, Thur. Nov. 11 [1731]. No. 97. To Francis
Walsingham, Esq [i.e., William Arnall of the Free Briton; in support of
the erection of a statue to William III; annotated 'M' in Richard Russel's
preface to Memoirs of the Society of Grub Street]."
Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 25-26, 309; Pettit
448, n. 6]
- 1 (1731): 475-477. A:
"Free Briton, Thur. November 28 [1731]. No. 103. A Second
Address to the Citizens of London [re the refusal of the London Common Council
to erect a statue to William III]."
Arnall [?].
[Haig 4] [Orig. "F.
- 1 (1731): 477-478. A:
"Craftsman, Nov. 13 and 20 [1731]. No. 280 [designated 'D.' in
Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 8: 202-210], 281 [designated 'D.' in
Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 8: 210-221]. On the Liberty of the
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 1 (1731): 486-487. A:
"Craftsman, Nov. 27 [1731]. No. 282. Remarks on the
D.C. [Daily Courant] Nov. 3. and 11 [1731; designated 'D.' in
Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 8: 218-232]."
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 1 (1731): 489-490. A:
"Read's Journal, Sat. Nov. 27 [1731]. Of OEconomy and
Richard Burridge [?] (or
[Harris (M) 99]
- 1 (1731): 494. V: "On
his Majesty's Birth-Day, Oct. 30. By C. Cibber, Esq; Poet Laureat ['When
Charles, from Anarchy's retreat']."
[Ram 299]
- 1 (1731): 509-510. A:
"Grubstreet Journal, December 2 [1731], No. 100 [comments by
'Maevius' supporting the erection of a statue to William III]."
Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 310; Pettit 448,
n. 6] [Orig. "Maevius"]
- 1 (1731): 516. A:
"Grubstreet Journal, Thur. Dec. 9 [1731], No. 101. Story-tellers
[annotated 'A.H.' in Richard Russel's preface to Memoirs of the Society of
Grub Street]."
Aaron Hill [?].
[Hillhouse 10]
- 1 (1731): 519-520. A:
"Read's Journal Sat. December 11 [1731]. Of Fraud and
Richard Burridge [?] (or
[Harris (M) 99]
- 1 (1731): 520-521. A:
"Craftsman, Sat. December 18 [1731]. No. 285 ['The
Craftsman's Title dissected by himself'; designated 'D.' in
Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 8: 245-251]."
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 1 (1731): 523-524. A:
"Read's Journal, Saturday December 18 [1731]. Of Honour."
Richard Burridge [?] (or others).
(M) 99]
- 1 (1731):533. A:
"Grub-street Journal, Thur. Dec. 30 [1731]. No. 104 [in which
'Bavius' defends the journal]."
Richard Russel
[Hillhouse 298, 310; Pettit 448, n. 6] [Orig.
- 1 (1731): 534. A:
"The Craftsman, Dec. 25 [1731; No. 286; 'Contest between the
Daily Courant and Craftsman'; designated 'D.' in
Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 8: 251-258]."
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 1 (1731): 537. V:
"Dr. [Patrick] Delany's Riddle to Lady C[arteret], p. 306, answered by Dr.
Swift ['With half an Eye']."
[Swift 3: 938]