- 4 (1734): iii. V:
"To Sylvanus Urban, Gent. An Epistle: Occasion'd by his Motto,
Prodesse & Delectare."
Dr. Mark
[Pailler 2: 554]. [Orig.
- 4 (1734): 3-4. A:
"Grubstreet Journal, Jan. 3 [1734]. No. 210 [comments by
'Bavius' on letters from 'Theophilus' and 'Will Whimsy' on 'Court Devotion' and
'Piracy and Plagiarism,' respectively]."
Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 298, 324; Pettit 448, n. 6]
[Orig. "Bavius"]
- 4 (1734): 6-7. A:
"From the Corn-Cutter's Journal, No. 9. On Lying."
Rev. John Henley [?]
[Harris (M) 117]
- 4 (1734): 13. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, Jan. 5 [1734]. No. 56. Objections to the
Bible answer'd."
Rev. William Webster [?] (or
[Pailler 1: 222] [Orig. "T."]
- 4 (1734): 16-19. A:
"The Craftsman, Jan. 12 [1734]. No 393 [dissertation
upon parties, cont.; designated 'O.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 12:
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv; Sullivan 70]
- 4 (1734): 21-22. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, Jan. 12 [1734]. No. 57. On the Truth of
Rev. William Webster [?] (or
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 24-26. A:
"The Craftsman. Jan. 19 [1734]. No. 394 [dissertation upon
parties, cont.; designated 'O.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 12: 86-
99]. . . ."
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv; Sullivan 70]
- 4 (1734): 27. A: "The
Daily Advertiser, Jan. 24 [1734]. Dr Clifton's Prescription for the
Cure of the Small-Pox."
Dr. Francis
[Orig. "F. Clifton"]
- 4 (1734): 30-33. A:
"The Craftsman, Jan. 26 [1734]. No 395 [dissertation
upon parties, cont.; designated 'O.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 12:
100-111]. . . ."
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv; Sullivan 70]
- 4 (1734): 35-36. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, Jan. 26 [1734]. No. 59 ['Remarks on Mr
(Thomas) Gordon's Translation of Tacitus'; part quotation, part
Rev. William Webster [?] (or
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 41. A:
Commentary on Colley Cibber's "Ode for the New Year."
Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 298, 324; Pettit 448,
n. 6] [Orig. "Bavius"]
- 4 (1734): 43. V: "On
Worldly Goods, and Virtue. From the Essay on Man. Part IV ['This
world (so fitted for the knave']."
[Pailler 2: 586]
- 4 (1734): 61. A:
"Grubstreet Journal, Jan. 31 [1731]. No. 214": commentary by
"Bavius" on letter from "Jeremiah Gimcrack" on "A Young Author's ill
Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 298, 324; Pettit 448, n. 6] [Orig.
- 4 (1734): 61-63. A:
"The Craftsman, Feb. 2 [1734]. No. 392 [misprint for No. 396].
Remarks on a Letter to the Craftsmen [designated 'D.' in
Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 12: 127-138]. . . ."
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 4 (1734): 74-75. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, Jan. 19. Feb. 2. and 9 [1734; 'The Religion
of Jesus is from God']."
Rev. William Webster [?]
(or others).
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 81-82. A:
"London Journal, Feb. 16 [1734]. No. 764 ['Our political
Prophets like those who foretold the Death of Henry IV. of France."
James Pitt [?].
[Haig 5]
[Orig. "F. Osborne"]
- 4 (1734): 82-83. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, Feb. 16 [1734]. No. 62 [Infidelity spread in
the Country; A project to cure it']."
William Webster [?] (or others).
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 88-90. A:
"The Craftsman, Feb. 23 [1734]. No. 399. A Speech made in the
House of Commons in the Reign of Q. Anne; published from a Manuscript in Mr
Danvers's Study'; designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 12: 145-
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 4 (1734): 94. V: "To
Miss Georgina Carteret."
[Bond 96] [Orig. "Am. Ph---
- 4 (1734): 95. V:
"Ode on her Majesty's [Queen Caroline's] Birth-Day. By J. Duick."
John Duick.
[Carlson 251]
- 4 (1734): 96. V: "The
Grotto of Calypso, translated from Book V. of Homer's Odyssey ['Thus o'er the
world of waters Hermes flew']."
[Pailler 2: 587]
- 4 (1734): 96. A:
Comments by "Bavius" on Pope's translation of the Odyssey, from
Grub-Street Journal, No. 215.
Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 298, 325; Pettit 448, n. 6]
[Orig. "Bavius"]
- 4 (1734): 97-98. V:
"No Happiness without Virtue; instanced in Riches, Honours, Birth,
Greatness, Fame, Superior Parts, &c. From the Essay on Man. Epist. IV
['For Riches, can they give but to the just']."
Alexander Pope.
[Pailler 2: 587]
- 4 (1734): 98. V:
"To the Prince of Orange on his approaching Marriage with the Princess
Rev. Tipping Silvester.
[Bond 98]
- 4 (1734): 99. V:
"Venus's girdle; or Advice to a Wife."
Tipping Silvester.
[Bond 98]
- 4 (1734): 99. V: "On
Dr [Richard] Tindal's last Will and Testament [from Grubstreet Journal,
No. 217 (21 Feb. 1734)]."
Richard Russel
[Hillhouse 298, 325; Pettit 448, n. 6] [Orig.
- 4 (1734): 118-120. A:
"The Craftsman, March 2 [1734]. No. 400. Of Frequency of
Parliaments [designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 12: 152-
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 4 (1734): 124-125. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, March 2 [1734]. No. 64. On Abraham's
offering Isaac."
Rev. William Webster [?] (or
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 126. A:
"Grubstreet Journal, March 7 [1734]. No. 219. On Mr Pope's
Translation of Homer": "Mr Bavius's Notes [on a letter criticizing
Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 298, 325; Pettit 448, n. 6] [Orig.
- 4 (1734): 131-132. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, Mar. 9 [1734]. No. 65. Of ordaining
unqualified Ministers."
Rev. William Webster [?]
(or others).
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 132-135. A:
"Craftsman Extraordinary, March 11 [1734] [dissertation upon
parties, cont.]. . . ."
Henry St. John, 1st
Viscount Bolingbroke.
[Sullivan 70]
- 4 (1734): 138-139. A:
"The Craftsman, March 16 [1734], No. 402. Septennial Elections
ludicrously defended [designated 'N.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 12:
Henry Fielding.
[Battestin 89-b: 3-18] [Orig. "Septennius"]
- 4 (1734): 143-144. A:
"From the Corn-Cutter's Journal, Mar. 19 [1734]. On
Parliamentary Elections."
Rev. John Henley
[Harris (M) 117]
- 4 (1734): 144-145. A:
"The Craftsman, March 23 [1734]. No. 403. On Screens
[designated 'A.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 12: 167-174]."
Henry Fielding.
[Battestin 89-b: 19-
- 4 (1734): 148-149. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, Mar. 16. and 23 [1734]. On Abraham's
offering up Isaac [revisited]."
Rev. William
Webster [?] (or others).
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 149-150. A:
"The Craftsman, March 30 [1734], No 404. A Panegyrick
on the Prince of Orange [designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint
12: 174-179]."
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 4 (1734): 154. V:
"A sequel to Mr [Stephen] Duck's Tale on Truth and Falsehood."
Rev. Edward Cobden.
[Bond 93]
- 4 (1734): 155-156. V:
"Scarborough. A Poem."
[Bond 94] [Orig. "the Author of the Prize
Verses, No. I"]
- 4 (1734): 157 [misnumbered as 751].
V: "From the Essay on Man. Epist. IV. Virtue only
constitutes Happiness; the Perfection of which consists in the Love of God, and
Charity to all Men, &c. [cont.; 'Know then this truth (enough for man to
Alexander Pope.
[Pailler 2: 587]
- 4 (1734): 184. A:
"Corn-Cutter's Journal, April 2 [1734]. No. 27. On State
Rev. John Henley [?]
[Harris (M) 117]
- 4 (1734): 193. A:
From Craftsman, No. 406 (13 Apr. 1734): "K. Philip's Advice to
Alexander not to bribe his Subjects [part quotation, part paraphrase; designated
'O.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 12: 195-198]."
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke.
[Varey 82:
xxiv-xxv, 169-172]
- 4 (1734): 195-196. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, April 13 [1734]. No. 70. The Facts charged
in a Letter to the Rev. Dr Codex [i.e., Edmund Gibson, Bishop of London]
Rev. William Webster [?] (or
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 199-200. A:
"The Craftsman, April 20 [1734]. No. 407. A History of the last
Parliament [designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 12: 198-
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 4 (1734): 201-202. A:
"London Journal, April 20 [1734]. No 773. To
Electors, especially the Whigs."
James Pitt
[Haig 5] [Orig. "F. Osborne"]
- 4 (1734): 210-211. V:
"Ovid's Amours, Book II. Elegy xi. To his Mistress going to Sea.
Translated by Mr D---."
John Duick.
[Carlson 251] [Orig. "Mr D---"]
- 4 (1734): 211. V:
"[Ovid's] Book II. Elegy xvi--The Poet invites his Mistress to his
Country Seat. Translated by Mr B."
Rev. Moses
[Carlson 248; Bond 92] [Orig. "Mr
- 4 (1734): 212-213. V:
"Happiness Defin'd. From the Essay on Man. Epist. IV ['O
Happiness! our being's end and aim!']."
[Pailler 2: 587]
- 4 (1734): 240-241. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, April 27 [1734]. No. 72. Father Harduin,
and his Writings characteriz'd."
Rev. William
Webster [?] (or others).
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 246. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, May 4 [1734]. Numb. 73. Remarks on a
Pamphlet, entitled, A Critical Review of the Publick Buildings,
Statues, and Ornaments in and about London and Westminster."
Rev. William Webster [?] (or others).
[Pailler 1:
222] [Orig. "Philanthropus"]
- 4 (1734): 252-253. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, May 11 [1734]. No. 74. Mr [Thomas] Gordon
consider'd as a polite Writer and a Critick."
Rev. William Webster [?] (or others).
[Pailler 1:
- 4 (1734): 253. A:
"The Daily Courant, May 11 [1734]. To the
Craftsmen [re the Livonian Remonstrance]."
Ralph Courteville [?].
[Haig 7]
[Orig. "Freeman"]
- 4 (1734): 259. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, May 18 [1734]. No. 75. Booksellers should
be Friends to the W. Miscellany, because it promotes Religion, the best
Branch of their Trade."
Rev. William Webster [?]
(or others).
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 259-260. A:
"[Weekly Miscellany, May 18 (1734). No. 75.]
Rev. William Webster [?] (or
[Pailler 1: 222] [Orig.
- 4 (1734): 262-263. A:
"The Craftsman, May 25 [1734]. No. 412. Remarks on the
Elections [designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 12: 220-
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 4 (1734): 264-265. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, May 25 [1734]. No. 75 ['The Bp of London
(Edmund Gibson) defended against an Apology for Dr Codex']."
Rev. William Webster [?] (or others).
[Pailler 1:
- 4 (1734): 268. V:
"An Epistle to Sylvanus Urban, Gent."
[Carlson 251] [Orig. "Sylvius"]
- 4 (1734): 269. V:
"On seeing a Lady reading The Platonick Lovers, in the
Bookseller's Shop."
Rev. Moses
[Bond 91] [Orig. "Mr B
- 4 (1734): 269. V:
"The Scarborough Reformation. A Song."
Rev. Moses Browne.
[Carlson 248]
[Orig. "Mr B---"]
- 4 (1734): 271. V:
"A Specimen of a Poem entitled 'The Universe. . . .'"
Henry Baker.
[Pailler 2: 555]
- 4 (1734): 272. V:
"Epigram. From Grub. Journal [No. 231; 'Two states wage war, of
whom (if you can trust)']."
Richard Russel
[Hillhouse 298, 326; Pettit 448, n. 6] [Orig.
- 4 (1734): 309. A:
"From the Corn-Cutter's Journal, No. 38 ['Remarks on the Lords
Rev. John Henley [?]
[Harris (M) 117]
- 4 (1734): 310-311. A:
"From the Daily Courant, June 1 [1734; 'Arbitrary Methods to
destroy the E(arl) of Strafford']."
Courteville [?].
[Haig 7] [Orig. "R.
- 4 (1734): 312-313. A:
"The Craftsman, June 8 [1734]. No. 414. On the Sense of the
People in the Elections [designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint
12: 235-240]."
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 4 (1734): 315-317. A:
"Grubstreet Journal, June 13 [1734]. No. 233. Signor Amiconi's
Painting at [Charles] Ld Tankerville's and Powis-house defended."
Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 298, 327; Pettit
448, n. 6] [Orig. "Bavius"]
- 4 (1734): 317-318. A:
"The Craftsman, June 15 [1734]. No. 415. The Country Party's
Triumph [designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 12: 241-
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 4 (1734): 320-322. A:
"The Craftsman, June 22 [1734]. No. 416. On the Scots Lords
Protests [designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 12: 248-
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 4 (1734): 324. A:
"Grub-street Journal, June 27 [1734]. No. 235": Further remarks
by "Bavius" on criticism of Amiconi's paintings.
Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 298, 327; Pettit 448,
n. 6] [Orig. "Bavius"]
- 4 (1734): 325. V:
"From Mr Pope's Essay on Man. Ep. I. Of the Nature and State of
Man, with respect to the Universe ['Awake! my St John, leave all meaner
Alexander Pope.
[Pailler 2: 587]
- 4 (1734): 327. V:
"Epigram, from theGr. Journ. [from Grub-Street Journal,
No. 233 (13 June 1734); 'A famous critic, call'd the man of taste';
originally signed 'Maevius']."
Richard Russel
[Hillhouse 298, 327; Pettit 448, n. 6]
- 4 (1734): 328. V:
"A Riddle ['I Am an Implement that's common']."
John Duick.
[Carlson 251] [Orig.
- 4 (1734): 328. V:
"To Mr M. B. on neglecting his Promise."
John Duick.
[Carlson 252] [Orig.
- 4 (1734): 328. V:
"In Answer to the foregoing Epistle [v. 'To Mr M. B.' on same
Rev. Moses Browne.
[Carlson 248] [Orig. "M.B."]
- 4 (1734): 368-369. A:
"The Craftsman, July 6 [1734]. No. 418. The People how to be
Consider'd [designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 12: 261-
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 4 (1734): 369-370. A:
"London Journal, July 6 [1734]. No. 784. Character of the
present Parliament."
James Pitt [?].
[Haig 5] [Orig. "F. Osborne"]
- 4 (1734): 375-376. A:
"The Craftsman, July 13 [1734]. No. 419 ['D'anvers against
Walsingham'; designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 12: 267-
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 4 (1734): 377-378. A:
"The Craftsman, July 20 [1734]. No. 420. Observations on the
Election of Scottish Peers [designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37
reprint 12: 275-282]."
Nicholas Amhurst
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 4 (1734): 380. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, July 27 [1734]. No. 85. Christianity not a
useless Institution."
Rev. William Webster [?]
(or others).
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 382. V:
"From Mr Pope's Essay on Man. Ep. I. The impiety of putting ourselves in
the place of God and judging of his dispensations ['Lo! the poor Indian, whose
untutor'd mind']."
Alexander Pope.
[Pailler 2: 587]
- 4 (1734): 383-384. V:
"To the Rt Hon. Henry Bromley, Esq ['With candour deign, O Bromley, to
W. ("Count") Bryan.
[Bond 92]
- 4 (1734): 384. V: "On
the Princess of Orange's Return to the British Court. By Mr Frowde ['To
Britain's joyful land again restor'd']."
[Authorship disclosed in title]
- 4 (1734): 386. V:
"The Poem to Sir M[ile]s St[apylto]n, Bt. . . . Tanslated into English by
F. Dactyl ['At length the whiggs are fled, the streets all clear']."
Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 298, 327;
Pettit 448, n. 6] [Orig. "F. Dactyl"]
- 4 (1734): 387. V:
"In Answer to some very different complaints sent to the Author."
Edward Cave.
[Carlson 251]
[Orig. "S.V."]
- 4 (1734): 429. A:
"The Craftsman, Aug. 10 [1734]. No. 423. Seasonable Reflections
from Dr D'Avenant [i.e., Charles Davenant]": portion beginning "There is another
Lady in the same Market . . ."; part quotation, part summary; designated "R." in
Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 13: 1-4.
Fielding [?].
[Battestin 89-b: 48-58]
- 4 (1734): 432-433. A:
"The Craftsman, Aug. 17 [1734]. No. 424. On the Scottish
Election of Sixteen Peers, chiefly in Answer to Mr Walsingham [of the Free
Briton; designated 'D.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 13: 5-
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 4 (1734): 435-436. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, Aug. 10 and 17 [1734]. The Inspiration of
the Holy Scriptures defended."
Rev. William
Webster [?] (or others).
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 438-440. A:
"The Craftsman, Aug. 24 [1734]. No. 405 [misprint for No. 425].
On the Scottish Election [designated 'D' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint
13: 11-16]."
Nicholas Amhurst [?].
[Varey 82: xxiv]
- 4 (1734): 442-443. V:
"Essay on Man. Epist. I. The Absurdity of Man's Conceiting
himself the Final Cause of the Creation ['Ask for what end the heav'nly Bodies
Alexander Pope.
[Pailler 2: 587]
- 4 (1734): [443 [sic; 1st 443].
A: "Weekly Miscellany, Aug. 31 [1734]. No. 90.
Benevolus to R. Hooker, Esq. [re Rev. Thomas Bray, founder of the Society for
Propagating Christian Knowledge]."
Rev. William
Webster [?] (or others).
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 443 [2nd 443].
V: "To Mr Daniel Booth, Jun, on his late Marriage. By Mr
Rev. Moses Browne.
[Carlson 248]
- 4 (1734): 445. V: "To
the Right Hble the Lady Anne Hervey, after hearing her sing ['Beauty and wit,
illustrious maid']."
John Hervey, Baron Hervey of
[Ram 318]
- 4 (1734): 447. V:
"To Doctor Swift, on reading his Poem call'd the Lady's Dressing-
Rev. Arthur Vaughan.
100] [Orig. "A. V---gh---n"]
- 4 (1734): 447. V:
"Wrote on a Window in the Long-Room at Scarborough, by the Poet Laureat
['Dolda and Darcia, when in dance they move']."
Colley Cibber
. [Cibber was named Poet Laureate in
- 4 (1734): 473-474. A:
"The Craftsman, Sept. 7 [1734]. No. 427. On the Independency of
Samuel Strutt [?].
[Varey 82: xviii]
- 4 (1734): 477-478. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, Sept. 7 [1734]. No. 91. Mr [James] Foster's
Notions of Mysteries, censur'd."
Rev. William
Webster [?] (or others).
[Pailler 1: 222] [Orig.
"Phylo Mysterion"]
- 4 (1734): 482-483. A: "The
Craftsman, Sep. 14 [1734]. No. 428 ['On the Independency of
Parliament,' cont.]."
Samuel Strutt
[Varey 82: xviii]
- 4 (1734): 483-484. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, Sept. 14 [1734], No. 92 ['Metaphysical Points
Rev. William Webster [?] (or
[Pailler 1: 222] [Orig.
- 4 (1734): 484. A:
"[Weekly Miscellany, No. 92 (14 Sept. 1734):] When proper to
expose controversial Writers."
Rev. William
Webster [?] (or others).
[Pailler 1: 222] [Orig.
- 4 (1734): 485-486. A:
"London Journal, Sep. 14 [1734], No. 794. Union recommended to
the Whigs."
James Pitt [?].
[Cont. (4 [1734]: 494-495) is signed "F. Osborne," a pseudonym which Haig 5
notes that Pitt used.]
- 4 (1734): 490-492. A:
"The Craftsman, Sept. 21 [1734]. No. 429 ['On the Independency
of Parliament,' conc.]."
Samuel Strutt
[Varey 82: xviii]
- 4 (1734): 492. A:
"Weekly Miscellany Sep. 21 [1734]. No 93. Christian Doctrines
called Mysteries, not unintelligible; against Mr Forster [i.e., James Foster]. .
. ."
Rev. William Webster [?] (or
[Pailler 1: 222] [Orig.
- 4 (1734): 494-495. A:
London Journal, Sept. 21 [1734]. No. 795 [re need for union
among the Whigs."
James Pitt [?].
[Haig 5] [Orig. "F. Osborne"]
- 4 (1734): 496-497. A:
"The Craftsman, Sept. 28 [1734]. No. 430. On Jus
Divinum, or Rights of Princes [part quotation, part paraphrase;
designated 'O.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 13: 25-32]."
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke.
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv, 172-178]
- 4 (1734): 499-500 [misnumbered as 994-
500]. A: "Weekly Miscellany, Sept. 28 [1734],
No. 94 ['Use and Abuse of Poetry; Pope, Prior and Gay censur'd']."
Rev. William Webster [?] (or others).
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 501. V:
"Essay on Man. Epist. I. The Unreasonableness of Man's
Complaint of wanting the Qualifications of Brutes or Angels . . . ['What would
this man? now upward will he soar']."
[Pailler 2: 587]
- 4 (1734): 502. V:
"To the Rev. Mr [Charles] Carthy in Dublin, upon his Translation of
Rev. James Delacour
[Bond 93] [Orig. "J.
- 4 (1734): 504. V:
"Friendship. Irregular Ode. To the Rev. Mr Ralph Brookes, Rector of
Ashney, Northamptonshire ['Friendship! whence springs its deep mysterious
Rev. Moses Browne.
[Pailler 2: 564] [Orig. "M. Browne"]
- 4 (1734): 506. V:
"A Riddle ['I'm blacker than a winter's night']."
John Duick.
[Carlson 252] [Orig.
- 4 (1734): 508. V:
"Insigni Authori miri admodum Poematis Prospectus
John Macdonnell.
[Orig. "J. Macdonnel"]
- 4 (1734): 538-539. A:
"The Craftsman, Oct. 5 [1734]. No. 431. Nich. Machiavel to
Caleb D'anvers [re Robert Walpole's foreign policy; designated 'A.' in
Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 13: 33-38]."
Henry Fielding.
[Battestin 89-b: 59-70]
[Orig. "Nich. Machiavel"]
- 4 (1734): 539-540. A:
"London Journal, Sep. 28 [1734]. Oct. 5 [1734]. No. 796-7. On
the British Constitution."
James Pitt
[Haig 5] [Orig. "F. Osborne"]
- 4 (1734): 541-542. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, Oct. 5 [1734]. No. 94. Of the Non-Eternity
of Matter."
Rev. William Webster [?] (or
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 546-547. A:
"Weekly Miscellany Oct. 12 [1734]. No 96. True Definition of a
Rev. William Webster [?] (or
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 551-553. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, Oct. 19 [1734]. No. 97. The Athanasian
Creed vindicated."
Rev. William Webster [?] (or
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 561. V:
"Essay on Man. Epist. II. Man's Business, Nature, Powers,
Frailties, limited Capacity ['Know then thyself, presume not God to
Alexander Pope.
- 4 (1734): 562-563. V:
"On Astronomy, No. III."
Rev. Moses
[Carlson 248] [Orig.
- 4 (1734): 563-564. V:
"On Astronomy. No. IV."
[Carlson 252] [Orig. "Sylvius"]
- 4 (1734): 566. V:
"From Mrs Chandler's ingenious Poem, entitled, the Description of
Bath, and inscrib'd to the Princess Amelia ['To sing the town where balmy
waters flow']."
Mary Chandler.
[Bond 92]
- 4 (1734): 567-568. V:
"On the Rt Hon. the Lady Caroline Fitzroy, at Bury Fair."
W. ("Count") Bryan.
[Carlson 249]
[Orig. "W.B."]
- 4 (1734): 569. V:
"Upon Mr. [Charles] Carthy, a scribbling Schoolmaster, who writes
Panegyrick without any Spirit or Genius; and Satyre, without any Sting."
Jonathan Swift [?].
[Swift 2: 671
attributes it to Swift or others.]]
- 4 (1734): 569. V:
"Upon his [Charles Carthy's] being complimented by Dalacourt [i.e., Rev.
James Delacourt], and others, equally obscure."
Jonathan Swift [?].
[Swift 2: 668 attributes it to
Swift or others.]]
- 4 (1734): 569. V:
"Upon the same Occasion [v. 'Upon his (Charles Carthy's) being
complimented by Dalacourt (i.e., Rev. James Delacour)' immediately preceding
this item]."
Jonathan Swift [?].
[Swift 2: 671-672 attributes it to Swift or others.]]
- 4 (1734): 569. V:
"Upon his having Rotten Teeth [re Charles Carthy]."
Jonathan Swift [?].
[Swift 2: 672 attributes it to
Swift or others.]]
- 4 (1734): 569. V:
"Upon his [Charles Carthy's] Translation of Horace."
Jonathan Swift [?].
[Swift 2: 666 attributes it to
Swift or others.]]
- 4 (1734): 569. V:
"Upon his [Charles Carthy's] threatning to translate Pindar."
Jonathan Swift [?].
[Swift 2: 666
attributes it to Swift or others.]
- 4 (1734): 596. A:
"London Journal, Novemb. 2 [1734]. No. 801. Mr Osborne's Review
and Defence of the Argument about Constitutional Independency, &c."
James Pitt [?].
[Haig 5]
[Orig. "F. Osborne"]
- 4 (1734): 598-599. A:
"London Journal, Oct. 9 [1734]. No. 802 ['A Declaration against
Sir Robert Walpole; Sir William Billers mobb'd."
James Pitt [?].
[Haig 5] [Orig. "F.
- 4 (1734): 599-600. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, Nov. 9 [1734]. No. 102. Abraham's Soliloquy
offering up Isaac."
Rev. William Webster [?] (or
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 601-602. A:
"The Craftsman, Nov. 9 [1734]. No. 435 [misprint for No. 436].
The Dissertation on Parties continued [designated 'O.' in Craftsman
1731-37 reprint 13: 54-67]."
Henry St. John, 1st
Viscount Bolingbroke.
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv; Sullivan 70]
- 4 (1734): 603-604. A:
"The Prompter, Nov. 12 [1734]. No. 1 ['The Prompter, his
Character and Office']."
Aaron Hill.
[Appleton and Burnim xv] [Orig. "B."]
- 4 (1734): 605-606. A:
"The Prompter. Nov. 15 [1734]. No. 2 ['Story of a boiled
Exciseman'; part quotation, part summary; signed 'B' in Prompter
Aaron Hill.
and Burnim xv]
- 4 (1734): 606-608. A:
"The Craftsman, Nov. 16 [1734]. No 437. On the
Nature of the British Constitution, and the Roman Commonwealth [dissertation
upon parties, cont.; designated 'O.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 13:
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv; Sullivan 70]
- 4 (1734): 608. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, Nov. 16 [1734]. No. 101 ['Moderation not
always commendable']."
Rev. William Webster [?]
(or others).
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 608-609. A:
"London Journal, Nov. 16 [1734]. No. 803. Of Legal Slavery, and
Q. Elizabeth's Tyranny."
James Pitt
[Haig 5] [Orig. "F. Osborne"]
- 4 (1734): 610-611. A:
"From the Prompter, Nov. 19 [1734]. No. 3. Mr Outis [Colley
Cibber] answered . . . and Mr [Colley] Cibber characterized [part quotation,
part summary; signed 'B' in Prompter edition]."
Aaron Hill.
[Appleton and Burnim xv]
- 4 (1734): 613-614. A:
"The Craftsman, Nov. 23 [1734]. No 478 [misprint for
No. 438]. Dissertation on Parties continu'd. . . . Of the Spanish Constitution
and its Subversion [designated 'O.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 13:
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv; Sullivan 70]
- 4 (1734): 615. A:
"Weekly Miscellany, Nov. 23 [1734]. No. 202. Of Jeptha's
Rev. William Webster [?] (or
[Pailler 1: 222]
- 4 (1734): 616-617. A:
"Grubstreet Journal, Nov. 28 [1734]. No. 257 ['(Joshua) Ward's
Pill and Drop condemn'd'; by 'Misoquackus']."
Joseph Clutton.
[Sullivan 147] [Orig.
- 4 (1734): 617-618. A:
"The Craftsman, Nov. 30 [1734]. No. 439. Dissertation on
Parties continu'd. Defacts [misprint for 'Defects'] of the Constitution of
France [designated 'O.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 13: 94-
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv; Sullivan 70]
- 4 (1734): 619. V:
"From Mr Pope's Essay on Man, Epist. II. Man's two Principles of Self-
Love and Reason both necessary, their End the same. Self-Love the stronger, and
why ['Two principles in human nature reign']."
Alexander Pope.
[Pailler 2: 587]
- 4 (1734): 619-620. V:
"To Fidelia in Answer to her two Epistles ['Bright maid! since Urban you
Edward Cave.
- 4 (1734): 621. V: "On
Bp [Gilbert] Burnet's History, Vol. I. By the late eminent Dr Moss [original
Latin version]."
Rev. Robert Moss, Dean of
[Authorship disclosed in title]
- 4 (1734): 623. V:
"Said to be written by the rev. Dr Swift, D.S.P.D. On his own Deafness
['Deaf, giddy, helpless, left alone']."
[Swift 2: 672-674]
- 4 (1734): 653-654. A:
"The Craftsman, Dec. 7 [1734]. No 442 [misprint for
No. 440]. Dissertation on Parties continued. Our Constitution preferred to the
French [designated 'O.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 13: 104-
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv; Sullivan 70]
- 4 (1734): 657-658. A:
"Grub-street Journal, Dec. 12 [1734]. No. 259": comments by
"Bavius" on Joshua Ward's "pill-and-drop" quack cure.
Richard Russel [?].
[Hillhouse 298, 329; Pettit 448,
n. 6] [Orig. "Bavius"]
- 4 (1734): 658. V:
"Epigram [''Tis plain Ward's nostrums arn't dispens'd for money all'; re
Joshua Ward's 'pill-and-drop' quack cure; signed 'Conundrum']."
Rev. Joseph Trapp [?].
[Goldgar 76-77: 374, n.
18, attributes "Conundrum" items to Trapp, superseding Hillhouse 25-26, 298,
308, wherein they are attributed to Richard Russel.] [Orig.
- 4 (1734): 660-661. A:
"The Craftsman, Dec. 14 [1734]. No 441. The
Dissertation on Parties continued [designated 'O.' in Craftsman 1731-37
reprint 13: 117-126]. . . ."
Henry St. John, 1st
Viscount Bolingbroke.
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv; Sullivan 70]
- 4 (1734): 662-663. A:
"London Journal, Dec. 14 [1734]. No. 807. The
Craftsman's Ignorance in History."
Pitt [?]
. [Haig 5] [Orig. "F. Osborne"]
- 4 (1734): 665-666. A:
"From the Prompter, Dec. 20 [1734]. No. 12. The Art of
compelling Resemblances [part quotation, part summary; signed 'B' in
Prompter edition]."
[Appleton and Burnim xv]
- 4 (1734): 666-668. A:
"The Craftsman, Dec. 21 [1734]. No. 442. Dissertation on
Parties, continued [designated 'O.' in Craftsman 1731-37 reprint 13:
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount
[Varey 82: xxiv-xxv; Sullivan 70]
- 4 (1734): 671-672. A:
"The Craftsman, Dec. 28 [1734]. No 443. Dissertation
on Parties continued."
Henry St. John, 1st
Viscount Bolingbroke.
[Sullivan 70]
- 4 (1734): 693. A:
"From the Prompter, No. 13 [24 Dec. 1734]. Common
Sense, stray'd from the Theatres [an attack on opera; part quotation, part
summary; signed 'P' in Prompter edition]."
William Popple.
[Appleton and Burnim xv]
- 4 (1734): 694. V:
"From Mr Pope's Essay on Man. Epist. II. The Passions and their
Use ['Modes of self-love, the passions we may call']."
Alexander Pope.
[Pailler 2: 587]
- 4 (1734): 694. V: "To
the Author of a Character [from The Prompter, No. 8; 'Stript, to the
naked soul, escap'd from clay']."
[Pailler 2: 587]
- 4 (1734): 697. V:
"AEnigma [upon fire]."
[Carlson 250]
- 4 (1734): 698. V:
"Verses spoken extempore by Dean Swift on his Curate's [Robert
Hewit's] Complaint of hard Duty."
[Swift 2: 674-675]
- 4 (1734): 698. V:
"The parson's Case. By the same."
[Swift 2: 674-675]
- 4 (1734): 699. V:
"A Poem. Sent to the Rev. Dr Swift, Dean of St Patrick's, Dublin, with a
Pine's Horace neatly bound and gilt. By T. Sican, A.B.T.C.D."
John Sican.
[Bond 98]
- 4 (1734): 700. V:
"The Military Funeral."
[Bond 98]
- 4 (1734): 743-745. A:
"Craftsman, Dec. 28 [1734]. . . . Conclusion of the Dissertation
on Parties."
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount
[Sullivan 70]
- 4 (1734): 747. V:
"From Mr Pope's Essay on Man. Epist. II. Of Pleasures and the
Master Passion ['Pleasures are ever in our hands or eyes']."
Alexander Pope.
[Pailler 2: 587]