Rev. William Gostling.
[Authorship disclosed in title] [Orig. "W.G."]Rev. Samuel Pegge the Elder.
GM 66-ii (1796): 1081Richard Gough [?] or Rev. John Kynaston [?].
Orig. "Q."; Sherbo 97-a: 128 attributes this item to Kynaston, who (dating from Wigan, Lancs., or from Caerhaes, Cornwall) frequently used the signature "Q."; but the contribution could equally well be by Richard Gough, who also used the signature "Q." many times during the same time period. In the absence of place-name dating or definitive internal evidence, this item is thus assigned tentatively to either Richard Gough or Rev. John Kynaston.David Garrick.
[Authorship disclosed in title]Rev. Joseph Robertson [?].
Orig. "Eusebius"; Kuist 82: 139 lists multiple attributions to Robertson (1726-1802) under the pseudonyms "Eusebius" or "Eu---s" beginning in 1786. Since the Nichols family annotators who compiled what is now the Kuist list made no effort at a systematic attribution of items in the GM before vol. 53-i (1783), the absence of earlier attributions to Robertson under the signature "Eusebius" does not militate against Robertson's possible authorship of items so signed in earlier volumes.Rev. Samuel Pegge the Elder.
GM 66-ii (1796): 1081Rev. Joseph Boerhadem.
[Sherbo 97-a: 135] [Orig. "J. Boerhadem";]Rev. John Kynaston.
Sherbo 97-a: 122 Orig. "Q." (of Caerhaes, Cornwall)Rev. Samuel Watson.
[Sherbo 97-a: 53; author refers to his earlier letter re "the long series of calamities which afflicted the Piercy family," printed in 44 (1774): 416, which is signed "S. Watson" and dated from Newport, whence Samuel Watson signed items in GM 44 (1774): 161 and elsewhere.] [Orig. "S.W."]Rev. Samuel Pegge the Elder.
GM 66-ii (1796): 1081W. Dale.
[NUC] [Orig. "The Author of Calculations for the Use of Societies for Benefit of Old Age"]Rev. Samuel Watson [?] or Rev. Stephen Weston [?].
Sherbo 97-a: 60, n. 5, attributes this item to Watson, but Rev. Stephen Weston remains an alternate candidate for authorship. Orig. "S.W."Richard Gough.
H.D.Rev. Joseph Boerhadem.
[Sherbo 97-a: 137] [Orig. "J. Boerhadem"]Rev. Samuel Watson.
[Sherbo 97-a: 55] [Orig. "S. Watson"]Rev. Samuel Pegge the Elder.
GM 66-ii (1796): 1081Samuel Johnson.
Courtney 38Rev. Samuel Denne.
Orig. "W. & D."Rev. William Mason.
[Orig. "Mr. Mason"; Mason was a canon of York Minster.]Rev. Samuel Watson.
[Sherbo 97-a: 57; author refers to his earlier letter concerning "English Peers descended from persons eminent in the law," which is printed in 43 (1773): 79-80, dated from Newport (whence Watson signed items in GM 44 [1774]: 161 and elsewhere), and signed "T.W.," an apparent misprint for "S.W."] [Orig. "S.W."]Rev. Samuel Pegge the Elder.
GM 66-ii (1796): 1081Rev. Samuel Watson [?] or Rev. Stephen Weston [?].
[Sherbo 97-a: 53-54 attributes this item to Watson, but Rev. Stephen Weston remains an alternate candidate for authorship.] [Orig. "S.W."]Thomas Gray and Rev. William Mason.
[Mason was Thomas Gray's literary executor.]Thomas Gray.
["The Same" refers to Gray, the author of the preceding ode on the same page.]Thomas Gray.
["The Same" refers to Gray, the author of the ode on p. 245.]David Garrick.
[Authorship disclosed in title]Rev. Samuel Watson.
Sherbo 97-a: 57; Watson contributed articles on the peerage to GM 43 (1773): 79-80, GM 45 (1775): 80, and elsewhere. Orig. "S.W."John Nichols.
Orig. "J.N."Richard Gough.
Orig. "D.H."Rev. Samuel Pegge the Elder.
GM 66-ii (1796): 1082 Orig. "T. Row"Rev. Samuel Watson [?] or Rev. Stephen Weston [?].
Sherbo 97-a: 59, 60 (n. 5) attributes this item to Watson, but Rev. Stephen Weston remains an alternate candidate for authorship. Orig. "S.W."Thomas Gray.
[Authorship disclosed in title]Rev. Samuel Badcock [?].
Sherbo 97-a: 153 states that it is unclear whether Badcock wrote or merely supplied this item.Rev. Samuel Badcock [?].
Sherbo 97-a: 153 states that it is unclear whether Badcock wrote or merely supplied this item. Orig. "S.B."David Garrick.
[Authorship disclosed in title]Rev. Samuel Watson.
[Sherbo 97-a: 56] [Orig. "S. Watson"]Richard Gough.
Orig. "D.H."Rev. Samuel Pegge the Elder.
GM 66-ii (1796): 1082 Orig. "T. Row"Richard Gough.
Orig. "Q."Rev. Thomas Townson
Kuist 82: 150John Loveday the Elder or John Loveday the Younger.
Orig. "Academicus"Rev. John Kynaston.
Sherbo 97-a: 122 Orig. "Q." (of Caerhaes, Cornwall)Rev. Samuel Pegge the Elder.
GM 66-ii (1796): 1082 Orig. "T. Row"Rev. John Kynaston.
Sherbo 97-a: 128 Orig. "Q." (of Caerhaes, Cornwall)Rev. Samuel Watson.
[Orig. "S. Watson"; dated Newport, whence Watson corresponded with the GM]Rev. Samuel Pegge the Elder.
GM 66-ii (1796): 1082 Orig. "T. Row"Rev. John Kynaston.
Sherbo 97-a: 128 Orig. "Q." (of Caerhaes, Cornwall)Rev. Samuel Watson [?] or Rev. Stephen Weston [?].
Sherbo 97-a: 56 attributes this item to Watson, but Rev. Stephen Weston remains an alternate candidate for authorship. Orig. "S.W."Jonathan Swift.
[Swift 2: 578-579]Richard Gough.
Orig. "R.G."John Loveday the Elder or John Loveday the Younger.
Orig. "Academicus"John Loveday the Elder or John Loveday the Younger.
Orig. "Academicus"Richard Gough.
Orig. "H.D."Richard Gough.
Orig. "D.H."Rev. John Duncombe.
Orig. "Crito"M. Estob.
Orig. "M.E."; dated Shotton, whence Estob corresponded with the GM in 1788