William Burges.
[Orig. "W. Burges"]Rev. George Henry Dashwood.
Orig. "G.H.D."; dated Stow; Dashwood corresponded with the GM from Stow Bardoph.John Noake.
[Orig. "J. Noake"; dated Worcester, whence John Noake corresponded with the GM]Rev. Charles Robertson Manning.
[Orig. "C. R. Manning"; dated from Doss rectory on the Norfolk border; Manning was an antiquary of Norfolk.]Charles Albany Buckler.
[Authorship disclosed in title; Buckler was a member of the Architectural Society of Oxford.]Leopold Massey.
[Orig. "L. Massey"; dated Paris, whence Leopold Massey signed his full name to an item in GM 212 (1862): 752- 753]Charles Albany Buckler.
[Authorship disclosed in title; Buckler was a member of the Architectural Society of Oxford.]Rev. David Royce.
Orig. "D.R."; dated Lower Swell Vicarage, Stow-on-the-Wold, whence Royce sent a signed contribution to the GM in 1862Dr. Samuel William John Merriman.
[Orig. "S. W. J. Merriman, M.D."]William Burges.
[Authorship disclosed in title]Leopold Massey.
[Orig. "L. Massey"; dated Paris, whence Leopold Massey signed his full name to an item in GM 212 (1862): 752- 753]William Burges.
[Authorship disclosed in title]Leopold Massey.
[Orig. "L. Massey"; dated Paris, whence Leopold Massey signed his full name to an item in GM 212 (1862): 752- 753]William Burges.
[Authorship disclosed in title]William Burges.
[Authorship disclosed in title]Rev. Harry Mengden Scarth.
[Orig. "H. M. Scarth, M.A."]John Yonge Akerman.
[Orig. "J. Y. Akerman"]Edward Joseph Thackwell.
Orig. "E.J.T."; dated 14, Queen's-road, Gloucester-gate, Regent's Park, whence Thackwell corresponded with the GMRev. Harry Mengden Scarth.
[Orig. "H. M. Scarth, M.A."]William Burges.
[Authorship disclosed in title]George Stephens.
[Authorship disclosed in title]Richard Caulfield.
[Orig. "R. Caulfeild" (sic); Richard Caulfield was an Irish antiquary.]John Henry Parker.
[Orig. "J. H. Parker"; dated Oxford, where Parker was a bookseller]Frederick Richard Wilson.
[Orig. "F. R. Wilson"]Justin Simpson.
[Orig. "J. Simpson"; dated Stamford; Justin Simpson of Stamford signed his full name to an earlier item (GM 212 [1862]: 336-341) concerning the same subject]Charles Henry Cooper [and Thompson Cooper].
[Orig. "C.H. and Thompson Cooper"; dated Cambridge, Charles Henry Cooper's home]William Burges.
[Authorship disclosed in title]Jean Beno"t Dsir Cochet, Abb Cochet.
[Authorship disclosed in title]Rev. David Royce.
[Orig. "D. Royce"; dated Lower Swell Vicarage, Stow-on-the-Wold, whence David Royce send a signed contribution to GM 216 (1864): 365]John Henry Parker.
[Orig. "J. H. Parker"]Rev. Robert Charles Jenkins.
[Orig. "R. C. Jenkins"; dated Lyminge Rectory, Hythe, whence Jenkins signed his full name to a contribution in GM 213 (1862): 745-749]Sir William Robert Wills Wilde.
[Orig. "W. R. Wilde"; dated Dublin, Wilde's home]William Burges.
[Authorship disclosed in title]John Henry Parker.
[Orig. "J. H. Parker"]John Henry Parker.
[Orig. "J. H. Parker"]William Burges.
[Authorship disclosed in title]