William Burges.
[Authorship disclosed in title]Rev. Henry Thomas Ellacombe [Ellicombe].
Orig. "H.T.E."; directly precedes an item on the same page and bearing the same signature that is indisputably by EllacombeRev. Henry Thomas Ellacombe [Ellicombe].
Refers to contributor's earlier piece on Clyst St. George (GM 214 [1863]: 28-34), which the GM identified (p. 28n) as by Ellacombe;orig. "H.T.E."Benjamin Ferrey.
[GM's note (p. 162n) identifies the author as "Mr. B. Ferrey"; Ferrey published several books re church architcture (NUC).]William Burges.
[Orig. "W. Burges"]John Henry Parker.
[GM's note (p. 283n) identifies the author as "J. H. Parker."]Jean Beno"t Dsir Cochet, Abb Cochet.
[Authorship disclosed in title]John Henry Parker.
[Orig. "J. H. Parker"]Rev. John Christopher Atkinson.
[Orig. "J. C. Atkinson"; dated Danby (Yorks.), where Atkinson was vicar]Rev. William Greenwell.
[Orig. "W. Greenwell"; dated Durham, where Greenwell lived and concerning which he published several works (NUC)]William Burges.
[Authorship disclosed in title]John Henry Parker.
Conc. of GM 214 (1863): 283-301, which the GM identifies as Parker'sRev. John Christopher Atkinson.
[Orig. "J. C. Atkinson"; dated Danby (Yorks.), where Atkinson was vicar]Sir Henry Ellis.
Orig. "H. E."; refers to holdings in the British Museum, where Ellis was principal librarianJohn Noake.
[Orig. "J. Noake"; dated Worcester, whence John Noake corresponded with the GM]Alfred, Lord Tennyson.
[Headnote identifies the author as the Poet Laureate.]Armand d'Avezac-Macaya.
[GM's footnote (p. 583n) notes that this was a paper "read before the Geographical Society of Paris. . . . By M. D'avezac, President of the Society."]Matthew Holbeche Bloxam.
[GM's note (p. 721n) identifies this as "a paper by M. H. Bloxam, Esq., read at the Worcester Meeting of the Archaeological Institute. . . ."]Sir Henry Ellis.
Orig. "H.E."; re a Dorothy Wadham letter in the State Paper Collection in the Public Reford Office; Ellis was principal librarian in the British Museum.Rev. John Christopher Atkinson.
[Orig. "J. C. Atkinson"; dated Danby-in-Cleveland (Yorks.), where Atkinson was vicar]Thomas North.
[Orig. "T. North"; dated Leicester, where North was secretary of the Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeological Society]Herbert Haines.
[Orig. "H. Haines"; dated Gloucester, where Haines was a schoolmaster]John Obadiah Westwood.
[GM's note (p. 14n) states that this item was "a paper by Professor Westwood, read by him at the Meeting of the Oxford Architectural and Historical Society . . ."; Westwood was professor of zoology at Oxford.]Henry Gardiner Adams.
[Orig. "H. G. Adams"]Joseph Warton.
[The GM's headnote (p. 35) states that the author was Dr. Warton, headmaster of Winchester College, and brother of the Professor of Poetry at Oxford (Thomas Warton the Elder).] [Orig. "J. Warton"]Rev. John Christopher Atkinson.
[Orig. "J. C. Atkinson"; dated Danby-in-Cleveland (Yorks.), where Atkinson was vicar]John Obadiah Westwood.
[GM's note to the first part of this article (215 [1863]: 14n) states that this item was "a paper by Professor Westwood, read by him at the Meeting of the Oxford Architectural and Historical Society . . ."; Westwood was professor of zoology at Oxford.]John Henry Parker.
[Orig. "J. H. Parker, F.S.A."; dated Oxford, where Parker was a bookseller]John Henry Parker.
[Orig. "J. H. Parker, F.S.A."; dated Oxford, where Parker was a bookseller]Andreas E. Cockayne.
Orig. "A.E.C."; subject matterJames Edwin Thorold Rogers.
[GM's note (p. 275n) identifies this item as "a paper read by the Rev. Professor Rogers, M.A., before the Oxford Architectural and Historical Society. . . ."]John Henry Parker.
[Orig. "J. H. Parker"]John Henry Parker.
[GM's note (p. 391n) identifies this item as "a lecture delivered in the church, by J. H. Parker, Esq., F.S.A. . . ."]John Henry Parker.
[Orig. "J. H. Parker, F.S.A."]James W. Hodson.
[Orig. "J. W. Hodson"; dated Blandford, Dorset; Kuist 82: 238-239 lists several unpublished letters to John Gough Nichols from James W. Hodson of Blandford.]Jean Beno"t Dsir Cochet, Abb Cochet.
[Orig. "L'Abbe Cochet"]Rev. George Williams.
[GM's note (p. 553n) identifies this item as "a paper read at the meeting of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society at Wells . . . by the Rev. G. Williams, B.D., Senior Fellow of King's College, Cambridge"; Alumni Cantab., Pt. II, 6: 489]John Henry Parker.
[Orig. "J. H. Parker"]John Henry Parker.
[Orig. "J. H. Parker, F.S.A."]Walter Lawrence [Morris] Lawrence.
[Orig. "W. L. Lawrence"; dated Sevenhampton Manor, Lawrence's home]William Burges.
[Orig. "W. Burges"]Charles Alban Buckler.
[Orig. "C. A. Buckler"; dated Oxford, where Buckler was a member of the Architectural Society]Rev. John Edward Jackson.
[Orig. "J. E. Jackson"]William Wheater.
[Orig. "W. Wheater"; dated Leeds, where Wheater published several antiquarian works (NUC)]