A Catalog of Paperstocks in The Shakespearian Pavier Quartos (1619)
R. Carter Hailey
The College of William and Mary
The following catalog of paperstocks supplements the
article The Shakespearian Pavier Quartos Revisited in Studies
in Bibliography 57, pp. 151-195. In examining nearly 200 copies
of the nine play quartos published by Thomas Pavier in 1619 I have identified
fifty-three watermarked stocks (some represented by only one of the
twins), four unwatermarked pairs, and a handful of fugitive
unmarked papers for which I found no twin. Each of the papers has a
descriptive entry in the catalog, with the unmarked stocks presented
first, followed by the watermarked stocks. The form of the descriptions
generally follows that of the watermark pair illustrated on p. 158 of
the article, with some slight modification in layout, and the addition
of height and width measurements for each watermark. HEADING
The watermarks are as follows: |